Almost Blue

Shows at the Purple Fiddle

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Almost Blue are based in Morgantown WV and have been playing music together since 2012. Their music spans a variety of genres including Jazz, Folk, Pop and Country and is largely acoustic in nature.

Esta Hill sings and writes songs. Esta used to try climbing onto the shoulders of veritable vocal giants like Bessie Smith or Mama Cass; but now enjoys peace, luscious foods and a lovely lingering near the leisure lounger listening to lolly-gagging jazz.

Wade Hill plays guitar and bass. At the ripe age of 19, Wade enjoys naps, cats, and anything lethargic. He enjoys spending his free time planning for retirement, which he is eagerly looking forward to.

Duncan Lorimer plays guitar and bass, and the occasional ukelele tune. His day job is in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at West Virginia University. His wife and boys provide an endless source of enjoyment at home.

Chris Plein plays guitar, bass, mandolin, keyboards, sings and also writes songs.  He is drawn to mountains, rivers, tides and sky.

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