Butch and Teri Zito
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
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“I don’t write songs, they write themselves, I’m just a channel”. – Butch Zito
“A good classic song just jumps out and gives you no choice but to find some paper and a pencil as quickly as possible.” – Butch Zito
Stackabones band leader Butch Zito was awarded the 2014 Established Fellowship in Folk Art-Music from the State of Delaware and the National Endowment for the Arts. This honor is in recognition of his artistic accomplishments, musical expertise and gifted songwriting skills. Stackabones is the coalescence of Butch’s songwriting talent, extensive repertoire of original music and a group of highly accomplished musicians. This harmony creates Stackabones’ tightly-woven innovative performances which attracts a multi-generational fan base.