Eli Elkus
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
Eli Elkus is a Traveling Musical Storyteller, song craftsman, and Folk Activist. He began sculpting his craft as a young troubadour fishin’ for songs by the riversides and busking in the streets of New England. It was here that the love of folk music and storytelling found him, connecting with perfect strangers through story and song, weaving merit, meter and melody-making stories that play to each moment, bringing us back to the roots of genuine folk music – Music for the people, by the people. No frills and no red tape. The sorta thing that just don’t fit in a box.
And so it goes. The lazy-eyed dreamer and his familiar Bronco the hound wonder-wander the US byways bringing folk music to the folks, freewheelin’ in their road sweet home – ‘JeBus’. When they’re not on the road, he and his partner in merriment & songcrafting (and pirate journalist storyteller and sacred dancer in her own regard), Lara Wahl, spend their time growin’ gardens and lazy-eyed dreamin’ a slow movin’ dream at their sanctuary in the hills of Western Massachusetts… Just beyond the veil…
Get the know about all things singin’, pickin’, & storytelling and sign up for the “Lazy-Eyed Newsletter” by emailing him at elielkus@gmail.com
“With his gravelly narration and ramblin’ guitar licks, Eli Elkus always takes us on a journey. His songs lead us through trailer parks and back alleys and introduce us to the unsavory characters that no doubt occupy the shady corners of his mind.” – Folk New Hampshire
“Thank God for Eli Elkus. Heaven’s cowboy… hell’s outlaw. I love all of Eli’s songs… but especially the ones that I have a love/hate relationship with. These are the ones that make you cringe, force you to look at why you’re cringing… and thus set you free all at the same time. These are the ones that spit in the eye of societal pretenses, not just spits but exposes its raw red anus…and that little cowboy is just about the only authentic thing left to walk this here earth.”
-Lara Wahl, Wolf Children Life
“You and that dog really is cut from the same shag carpet…” -Mike Linscott