Erik Koskinen
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
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“Writes like Dylan, looks like Hank Williams, walks like John Wayne, smokes like James Dean, and plays like no one else.”
“In the vein of his close friend, Jeffrey Foucault, Koskinen’s songs are stripped-down, breathe the Midwestern air, paint character portraits, and have a deceptively haunting quality.”
“…melodies that stay with the listener long after the last notes of the final track have died away.”
“Erik is very much his own man stylistically. Sub-genres are no use at all in describing Erik’s music, and perhaps a new genre is more appropriate.”
“one of anti-country music’s up-and-coming stars.”
“as dazzling a guitarist as he is an evocative storytelling songwriter.”
“the real deal”
“the best country songwriter in Minnesota.”
Erik Koskinen is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer, whose music is not categorized by sub-genres. Stylistically he is on his own while heavily influenced by American roots music. The rhythmic integrity and musical tone is as important as the lyrical content and the artistic intent. Koskinen has reverently entered the anthology of uniquely crafted wry songs with the likes of Woody Guthrie and Ry Cooder while speaking as plainly as your neighbor. The Minneapolis Star Tribune calls Koskinen “the real deal” and “The best country songwriter in Minnesota”