Jake Klar and Ciarra Fragale

Shows at the Purple Fiddle

Visit Jake Klar and Ciarra Fragale on the web!

Jake Klar is an artist based in Turners Falls, MA. His songs showcase an ongoing collection of life’s lyric moments, both the eccentric and the daily. Klar rides on the Americana tradition of storytelling in his work, while bringing in the edge of modern folk/rock-inspired arrangements. Whether Jake is playing solo or with his band – made up of western MA musicians Joel Helander, Garret Salazar, Aaron Okrasinski, and Andy Cass – you will leave his shows with his crooning voice and the poetry of his lyrics ringing through your head.

Klar is a veteran of Northeast Festivals such as Otis Mountain Get Down and FreshGrass. His latest release, Witness, is a follow-up to his acclaimed 2020 collection of songs, Masquerade.

Fragale’s newest self-titled LP is her best, most cohesive work to date. Ranging from Motown inspired heartbreak pop to modern and cerebral indie rock, Ciarra creates a distinct sonic world that allows her to display what makes her artistry so special. Pounding keys, angular guitars, and steady driving beats grace these buoyant and emotive tracks, with Ciarra’s one of a kind vocals gliding in and out of smooth and sweet harmonies showcasing her masterful musicianship and songwriting prowess. She currently resides in Western MA, and can most likely be found at the top of mountains or at your local thrift store.

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