Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
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“Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray would be worth seeing in any case, as their 2014 album Lean Into the Wind captures the lonesome spirit of cowboy country and infuses it with the mind-boggling spaciness of the night sky above. If it takes a few seconds to get accustomed to Miss Shevaughn’s voice, it’s only because she’s a throwback to great folk singers of the ’60s and ’70s like Judy Collins and Joni Mitchell. Her voice drips with sincerity and wavers with emotion as she grittily traverses the travails of life and the wide open sonic landscapes of America.” Gapers Block Chicago
“Every beat, every note from Yuma Wray’s off-kilter licks, every distinctive moan and tremble delivered by Miss Shevaughn is carefully, beautifully placed. A stunner.” – NO DEPRESSION
“Lean Into The Wind is not just one of the best albums we’ve heard lately, it’s one of the best albums we’ve ever heard. It’s worth the money to buy it. It’s worth the time to listen to it. It’s worth preserving for the future just as it gives us delight and insight on our today. Essential.” – Rust Magazine