Ray Flanagan
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
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Ray Flanagan is a Cleveland, OH based songwriter that writes and performs his songs with the no nonsense attitude of a skilled journeyman. Flanagan has performed with nearly everybody in the Northeast Ohio music scene, lending his keen musical sense and guitar artistry to artists of all genres. Even though he is one of the most sought after guitarists in Northeast Ohio, it’s his songwriting that is his true superpower. The shutdown forced Flanagan to mobilize a different outlet for his creativity, resulting in the quickened pace of releasing two self-produced songs on the first Friday of every month starting in January of 2021. These unfiltered songs offer the listener an authentic experience of a songwriter realizing their potential with every new song. Keeping a mind for music history and a creative target on the present moment, his songs and lyrics are signposts to his perception of the things that are happening right now.