Shawn Taylor
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
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“Shawn is a master balladeer & troubador” – American Roots Radio – Italy
“A smoky tenor that exudes confidence and authority… & a smooth command of the difficult [country blues] finger-picking style …weaves his own tunes flawlessly together with folk-revival classics” – New Haven Advocate
Wandering roots troubadour Shawn Taylor, weaves music from many colored threads of Americana. His fourth original CD “Balance,” wanders from Appalachian to island groves, rock to pop, sparse folk ballads to finger-style time twisters and gut busting blues. “Shawn Taylor is one of the finest traveling troubadours performing on the circuit these days. Boasting world-class guitar chops, soul enriched vocals and an uncanny knack for capturing life in a song,” wrote Brian Owens, of Metronome Magazine – Boston in June 2018. “His lyrics dabble in a wonderful gritty naturalism that’s uncommon around here,” wrote Dan Barry of the New Haven Advocate. “Shawn Taylor has a mellowness to his voice that works well against the frenetic flash of finger-picking that is the foundation of his songs. The songs crackle with the guitar work,” declared TheAlternateRoot.com