Dad Horse Experience
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Keller-Gospel from the Left of Heaven
… this is not the Gospel you would hear in the churches but the gospel to be howled in the dark and lonesome basements, the places where the light is most desperately needed.
“If one third of music was half this good what a world we’d have!” — David Fair (Half Japanese)
“Dad Horse puts back the fun into fundamentalism” — The Dwarf (Australia)
“This man has a message, and music is the medium with which he effectively conveys that message. What’s more, it is a message born of darkness and sin, and so it is intended to be delivered in the dark places and to the sinners. A little direction for the lost. Some hope for the seemingly hopeless. A touch of salve for the wounded. A dot of light at the end of a long tunnel.” —

With his peculiar banjo playing, the deep pounding notes of his bass pedal, brief kazoo solos, and a distinct vocal delivery, ex-cabbie and punk rock scoundrel Dad Horse Ottn (aka The Dad Horse Experience) has gone from stumbling through a hard and sinful life to picking himself up and pushing on towards redemption, with little more than a banjo in his hands, a bass pedal at his feet and a message on his tongue. A gospel preaching, banjo plucking outsider artist from Bremen, Northern Germany who howls “turn the shit into gold!” as his saving grace. Described as “Dark Roots” and “Outlaw Gospel,” Ottn himself calls it Kellergospel, explaining that this is not the Gospel you would hear in the churches but the gospel to be howled in the dark and lonesome basements, the places where the light is most desperately needed.