The Parachute Brigade
Shows at the Purple Fiddle |
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The Parachute Brigade is an indie/folk/rock band from Beckley, West Virginia. Forming in 2013, the band began shaping their sound with covers ranging from bands like Fleetwood Mac to The Killers, putting their own creative twist on each song. “Justin (lead guitar/vocals) and I we’re in separate bands at first.” says vocalist Eric Robbins. “After months of being in the same venues and open mics, we finally decided we had too much in common musically not to jam, our first gig was the beginning of a whole new chapter.” That very night, future vocalist, keyboardist and mandolin player Brittany McGuire would join the two for an impromptu performance. “There’s definitely a melding of influences!” says McGuire, “I did jazz, blue grass, folk, all that before joining this band. I was definitely into rock and alternative; especially classic rock!” The band continued to grow as late night jam sessions revealed the natural musical talents of Jodie Cox-Puett. Adding her gentle vocal tones and creative mind to the band, the band felt ready to take the music out to local venues. This lead to many opportunities for the four, playing weddings, bars, churches, anywhere music was needed. As time went on, the band began not only creating unique versions of their favorite songs, but writing original material as well. “We found ourselves needing a drummer to get these creative ideas working in real time.”says Robbins. They recorded a 5 song EP of original music in Nashville, TN over the summer of 2017 with themes inspired by the beauty of their home state, heartbreak, and the challenges of falling in and out of love, “The Gold EP” released in May 2018.
“A parachute slows you down and brings you to safety, that’s what music does for us and we want to provide that for as many people as we can….”